Dr. Benedict Bender

Research Assistant

M.Sc. Benedict Bender is a research associate at the Chair of Information Systems, Processes and Systems at the University of Potsdam. His research interests include in particular digital platforms and business ecosystems. Especially in the context of multi-sided platforms, the strategic design of the platform to motivate participants and positioning is a major challenge and subject of his research. Furthermore, Mr. Bender deals with Industry 4.0 and aspects of IT security and privacy. His reviewing activities cover journals and conferences in business informatics.


Mr. Bender studied Business Informatics at the University of Potsdam, the Humboldt University of Berlin and the University of St. Gallen. As part of his German scholarship, he participated in the Cluster of Excellence Image Knowledge Design at the Humboldt University of Berlin. Mr. Bender has extensive practical experience in international management, IT strategy and technology consulting (e.g. McKinsey & Company, Accenture, SAP). The practical transfer of his research results is achieved, among other things, through his activities as a management consultant and coach. Furthermore, Mr. Bender regularly appears as a speaker, e.g. for specialist lectures or in the context of panel discussions.


Research projects

Key areas


  • (Digital) platforms
  • Business models
  • Application systems
  • ERP systems
  • Digitalisation strategy
  • Internet of Things
  • Industry 4.0
  • IT security