The starting point of the transformation to the Industry 4.0 Factory are usually heterogeneous and grown IT landscapes, which cannot be easily replaced. The Industry 4.0 Box developed at LSWI allows existing industrial plants to act as part of an Industry 4.0 environment or the Industrial Internet of Things. Thus it is possible, especially for medium-sized companies, to benefit from the potential of the 4th industrial revolution in brownfield situations.
Through our research projects spezifische requirements arise detached from the previous infrastructure. The adaptability of our infrastructure, which enables us to integrate new systems independently, helps us to implement these requirements.
Wir stellen das Material und die Methoden bereit, um eigenständige Vorgehensmodelle entwickeln, erproben oder direkt anwenden zu können. Für den anwenderzentrierten Satz bei der Problemlösung und Ideenentwicklung kommt beispielsweise LEGO Serious Play zum Einsatz.
Sustainable corporate structures and technologies are becoming increasingly important in our society. By incorporating current research findings, we address the impact of digital technologies and services on various aspects of sustainability.
Our powerful and dynamic data center consists of modular and independent systems, which we operate with over 70 physical and virtualized servers (Debian, CentOS, Windows, MacOS and other Linux distributions).
Our Enterprise Ressource Planning laboratory is an important tool to examine business processes, resource management, transactions but also the usability of different application systems. The facility is used for research projects, seminars and theses. Currently we are gratefully cooperating with Microsoft Dynamics NAV, ams.Solution AG, Sage, Epicor ERP, abas ERP, APplus ERP.
Our FabLab (Fabrication Laboratories) is not only equipped with the latest future technologies such as 3D printing, CNC milling or laser cutting. Rather, it can be used as a mobile unit directly on site at companies or spontaneously integrated into university teaching.
The creation of models of a system under consideration is a central field of activity in business informatics. We extend modelling methods by Augmented Reality to enable a high knowledge transfer, which goes beyond the representation of 2D models and thus becomes an essential factor in the production environment.
Increasingly, critical infrastructures are being targeted by standardized Cyberangriffe. We have developed a prototype simulation case, which is technically similar to a section of a real waterworks to be tested. This means that only theoretically determinable Angriffe can be validated in practice on a real object.